CLHIA Member Centre

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Code of Ethics

As a condition of membership, all CLHIA members are committed to conducting their business in accordance with the following principles:

    1. To engage in keen, fair competition so that the public can obtain the products and services it needs at reasonable prices.
    2. To advertise products and services clearly and straightforwardly, and to avoid practices that might mislead or deceive.
    3. To ensure that illustrations of prices, values and benefits are clear and fair, and contain appropriate disclosure of amounts that are not guaranteed.
    4. To write all contracts in clear, direct language without unreasonable restrictions.
    5. To use underwriting techniques that are sound and fair.
    6. To pay all valid claims fairly and promptly and without unreasonable requirements.
    7. To ensure competent and courteous sales and service.
    8. To respect the privacy of individuals by using personal information only for the purposes authorized and not revealing it to any unauthorized person.