CLHIA Member Centre

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Do you have an inquiry?

For consumer inquiries

Are you trying to find a lost life insurance policy for a deceased relative or friend?

Contact the Ombudservice for Life & Health Insurance

In Toronto 416-777-9002
In Montreal 514-282-2088
Toll Free 1-888-295-8112

Find insurance

This search tool will help you find the different types of insurance offered by our member companies. We do not endorse or recommend any particular company or product.

About our association

Contact the CLHIA ( for information on the association and our activities such as:

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Our offices

120 Bremner Boulevard, Suite 1520
P.O. Box 4
Toronto, Ontario M5J 0A8
Phone: (416) 777-2221

World Exchange Plaza
100 Queen Street, Suite 750
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J9
Phone: (613) 230-0031

1001 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Suite 630
Montreal, Quebec H3A 3C8
Phone: (514) 845-9004